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Mark Sugrue
I've done a bit of hillwalking in Scotland and elsewhere - I think that you can dismiss the newspapers' reports of the weather. Scottish mountains are highly unpredicable and the weather can change from awful, wet and fog to sunny and fine, and back again, in a few minutes. It could well have been foggy when Cook stood on the summit and have cleared by the time he had his accident. As for the mobile phone issue, coverage is patchy in the mountains - maybe Cook's phone had no coverage at the spot where he fell, rendering it useless. That might explain the conflicting reports.
Billy Evmur
I have always believed Robin Cook was on the verge of disclosing information regarding Bush/Blair talks and that he was murdered.
Jerry Stevens
Robin Cook was a good man, with a good heart and a conscious, and is missed by many. I am still baffled to this very day of the supposed circumstances of his death. In a nutshell: he died of some mysterious illness after hiking in the middle of nowhere in Scotland? The man had no alcohol or drug problems unlike some politicians, and apparently there were no signs of physical injury which prompted the police to say 'case closed' shortly after investigating. I just don't get it. Today we really do live in times of more uncertainty, and it must be recognised that we really do poke our nose where it does not belong abroad instead dealing with domestic issues. I'd hate to think that there was foul play involved in the former foreign minister's death because of his views - as that would really jeopardise all this country really should be standing for. It does somewhat upset still how our media fails to even remember Cook and what he stood for especially after the Iraq war. On a final note, my thoughts go out to his family and all those who value standing up for what is right - and not what appears to be 'made right'.
Another intrigued person
Re the 'conflicting' fine/foul weather, some food for thought: I think it's fairly safe to assume that as Mr Cook was in such an area, and supposedly enjoyed such climbs and outdoor pursuits, he wasn't exactly adverse to the wet, foggy, dark and cold. I myself would take that kind of weather over glaring sunshine with no hesitation, any day of the week. Therefore, the apparently conflicting "good" weather as reported in the press, and the "foul" weather as noted in the text message, could be describing precisely the same thing, but from different viewpoints. And Cook's observation that "Arkle and Foinaven can't be seen for mist" could refer to the weather at the respective peaks, rather than the weather where Cook was himself, as has been presumed. So from that interpretation, the text message could be read thus: "Am at the top of Ben Stack. Arkle and Foinaven surrounded by mist and cannot be seen - but weather clear and sunny here: foul!" Indeed, the commenter claiming to be the 'Mystery Walker' on the original blog entry alludes to this being the case - it may not be of course, but it's entirely possible, and would explain this (tiny) part of the puzzle.
The only thing that confuses me is why they didn't take him to the fully equipped A&E at Caithness General in Wick. It's closer to the mountain than Raigmore and surely able to deal with a mere 'heart attack'. After they've stabilised him, THEN go to Raigmore, sure! When every second counts the nearest main hospital should be the destination, not the biggest.

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