* Take a bow, Andrew Pierce! Pierce is a conservative English journalist who was already out as a gay man and, brave soul, as a Catholic. Now, with the row over Catholic adoption agencies, he comes out also as an adoptee.
This is going to get me into trouble with the vocal equality lobby, as all gays are supposed to be outraged by the Roman Catholic Church's stance on adoption.
Well, I'm gay and I'm not. I don't agree with it, but I can live with it. To hear some of the arguments of the last week, you would think it was the most important battle between Church and State since the Reformation.
But what I do find difficult to accept is that the Catholic adoption agencies will shut if they refuse to accept the law requiring them to treat same-sex and straight couples as equal. And yes, I am biased. I spent the first two years of my life in a Catholic orphanage in Cheltenham. Then I was Patrick, born in Bristol, the son of Margaret Connolly. Father's name: unknown.
I won't say 'read it all' but I was moved by his courage in speaking up.
* Some klutz at Slate has been blogging the Bible since May last year - I wish I'd noticed sooner.
Genesis, Chapter 1
You'd think God would know exactly what He's doing, but He doesn't. He's a tinkerer. He tries something out what if I move all the water around so dry land can appear? He checks it out. He sees "that it was good." Then He moves on to the next experiment. How about plants? Let's try plants.
Etc. So far it works for me.
* And a necessary but disturbing first-person account from a returning WaPo NYT correspondent, of Iraq then and now.